10 Best Essential Oils for Cellulite and Stretch Marks Removal

Are you tired of cellulite on thigh and bum? And you are wondering how to get rid of cellulite and stretch marks? Then,  I’m going to tell you the best essential oils for cellulite removal at home. In few days, you will have cellulite-free thighs and bum. Trust me!


Ready? I’ll walk you through the whole process…

Cellulite which looks like an orange peel on the body is usually caused by fats deposited under the skin.

Stretch marks, on the other hand, are lines which appear on the skin which are usually in different shades of colors.

This happens when the dermis which is also known as the middle layer of tears due to overstretching which causes scarring to occur in affected areas.

The body produces a hormone called cortisone and when it is in excess, causes the skin to lose its elasticity and cause thinning.

Cellulite and stretch marks are regularly seen at the breast, torso, arm, thighs, buttocks, hip, belly and legs.



10 Best Essential Oils for Cellulite and Stretch Marks Removal

The truth is that…

This affects people of different ages, races, weights, and sizes.

However, according to a report submitted by the Scientific American website called the science of beauty, females more are likely to have cellulite and stretch marks more than the male counterparts in the ratio of 9:10 (1).


You will agree with me that…

For most women, It is very embarrassing having to wear revealing clothes that will show off the cellulite and stretch-marks on their body while others feel irritated by mere seeing it on their body.


But the good news is that …

There are no known harmful effects of stretch marks and cellulite,

But, it could well affect your self-esteem when you feel you aren’t as sexy with beautiful shinning skin as you used to be.


I know you are not happy seeing those cellulite and stretch marks on your thighs and bum?

We’ve all been there…before

that why you are looking for possible ways on how to use essential oils for cellulite removal.



That is why I decided to share with you the 10 effective essential oils for cellulite removal at home

But before we get started…let me tell  you the causes of those cellulite and stretch marks on your body


What Causes Cellulite?

Before we continue, it is pertinent you understand that you cannot prevent cellulite or stretch from happening entirely.


Most times, it is usually no your fault even though your diet preference can help trigger it.


There are certain hormones in the body that play a very vital role in the development of cellulite like insulin and estrogen.

Fluid and water retention in the body, poor exercise habits, excess fat deposits, lymphatic blockage are all undeniable causes of cellulose build up in the body


Also, consider age. As people get older especially women who have hit menopause, the skin tends to be less firm and have higher chances of sagging.


Cellulite might develop around the sagged area.

Those whose main diet consists of fats and carbs with little or no fiber are faced with the greater chance of having cellulite.

If you are looking to use essential oils for cellulite removal and stretch-marks, you should also consider wearing less tight fitted clothes



Because they will limit the flow of blood thereby causing cellulite to be formed.

Sometimes the appearance of the cellulite often points to the fact that our body is suffering from an inflammation and the body may be in need of some toxins cleansing.


Traditional methods of getting Rid of Cellulite and Stretch marks.

Most people go for anti-cellulite creams in order to get rid of cellulite, others go for an expensive treatment known as Laser therapies.

Sadly the cellulite and stretch marks will still remain or come back after using all these expective products.

If any of the above conditions affect you, I bring good news to you; there are several essential oils for cellulite removal overnight.



 Best Essential Oils for Cellulite and Stretch Marks Removal



BUT Why using Essential oils for Cellulite and Stretch Marks?

More often than not, people wonder how a common oil can help get rid of cellulite in the body.

Outside of the fact they are purely organic, some of the main essences of using essential oil are:

  • They tighten the skin
  • Prevents the skin from aging
  • Removes dryness and moisturizes the skin so as to heal damaged cells containing stretch marks and exfoliate the dead cells.


So let’s get down to business

While there is an endless list of essential oil for cellulite removal available to use, only certain oils can truly help to combat cellulite.

So below is the list of essential oils for cellulite removal

10 Best Essential Oils for Cellulite and Stretch Marks Removal

1. Fennel Essential Oil for Cellulite


10 Best Essential Oils for Cellulite and Stretch Marks Removal


Fennel oil helps to break up the fatty deposits under your skin.

It also prevents water retention in the body and generally detoxifies.

Thus, reduce the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite on your body.


It is most effective when mixed with other essential oils such as rosemary oil.

You can also mix it carrier oils, coconut oil, for maximum results.

Do not forget to drink lots of water to help the skin stay hydrated while flushing out the toxins.


2. Geranium Essential Oil


10 Best Essential Oils for Cellulite and Stretch Marks Removal


Just like the Fennel essential oils, geranium is effective essential oils for cellulite removal.

It helps in diminishing the water retention in the body and eliminating every form of toxins in the body.

 Thus, Improves blood circulation and breaks down the cellulite build up in the body.


Geranium oil address the hormonal in balance that will prevent the skin from lumping and moisturizes the skin while getting rid of the cellulite.


3. Rosemary Essential Oil for Cellulite Removal 


10 Best Essential Oils for Cellulite and Stretch Marks Removal


Rosemary essential oil is no doubt one of the very best essential oils for cellulite removal


Why did I say this? 

because it prevents toxins from building up in the tissues, helps to improve blood circulation, and prevent lymph blockages (liquids containing white blood cells that help to clean tissues in the body). It also tones the skin.


4. Cedarwood Essential Oil 



10 Best Essential Oils for Cellulite and Stretch Marks Removal


Cedarwood is an excellent essential oil to get rid of cellulite and stretch marks as it helps by eliminating toxins from the body, flush out tissues and excess fat attached to it.

It also helps to tone the skin affected by stretch marks.


Cedarwood oil Blend for Cellulite

  • 6 Drops of cedarwood
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil



  • Mix 6 drops of cedarwood oil with 1 Tablespoon of coconut oil and massage into affected areas. Repeat daily.


5. Lemon Grass Essential Oil


10 Best Essential Oils for Cellulite and Stretch Marks Removal


This essential oil helps in uplifting the mood and also energizes the body.

This essential oil is used to break down and dissolve cellulose which is built up and also helps in detoxification.

Lemon Grass Essential Oil Blend for Cellulite Removal

  • 14 drops juniper essential oil
  • 10 drops lemon essential oil
  • 6 drops oregan essential oil



  • Mix all the ingredients together and add Carrier oil: 2 tbsp almond oil and 5 drops each of jojoba and carrot seed oil


6. Junipers Essential Oil for Stretch Marks


10 Best Essential Oils for Cellulite and Stretch Marks Removal


Juniper is one of the best essential oils for cellulite removal and stretches mark because it detoxifies and has diuretic properties.

Often used to melt the fat built up in an area due to cellulose.

Junipers Essential Oil Blend for Cellulite
  • Lemon essential oil -10 drops
  • Grapefruit oil – 10 drops
  • Basil essential oil -8 drops
  • Juniper essential oil-6 drops
  • Oregano essential oil- 6 drops



  •  Add all the ingredients together and mix it with the 5 drops of carrier oil of your favorite


7. Pomegranate Essential Oil


10 Best Essential Oils for Cellulite and Stretch Marks Removal


Pomegranate essential oil contains powerful anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

When added together to dragon blood extract increases the elasticity of the skin, thickens it, which improves the appearance of stretch marks.


8. Lavender Essential Oil


10 Best Essential Oils for Cellulite and Stretch Marks Removal


The lavender essential oil contains an important property called bromelain which can lead to an increase in the production of collagen.

It will help to combat stretch marks and prevent new ones from forming.


9. Cypress Essential Oil for Cellulite Removal 


10 Best Essential Oils for Cellulite and Stretch Marks Removal


Another excellent essential oil to get rid of cellulite and stretch marks is Cypress oil.

The oil prevents fluid retention, eliminates toxins in the body and boost the circulation of blood in the body.


10. Grapefruit Essential Oil for Cellulite


10 Best Essential Oils for Cellulite and Stretch Marks Removal


Grapefruit essential oil is an effective diuretic (prevents water retention) and stimulates the lymphatic system.

It contains a powerful anti-inflammatory enzyme that helps in breaking down cellulite.

This is why many skin products companies add grapefruit oil to their cream.


Below is the chemical-free blend to reduce cellulite Naturally.


Essential Oils Blends to Reduce Cellulite and  Stretch Marks


Grapefruit essential oil is an excellent appetite suppressant. Its curbs excess cravings and emotional eating when inhaled.


To do a homemade Grapefruit essential oil all-natural cellulite cream, do the following below:


Anti-Cellulite Essential Oil Recipe
  • Fifteen drops of grapefruit oil,
  • Half cup coconut oil and a jar.


How to Use Grapefruit Essential Oil for Cellulite and Stretch Marks Removal

  • Blend the grapefruit oil with coconut oil and store in a glass jar.
  • Massage for five minutes every day onto the affected areas of the skin that have cellulite and need firming.



How to Use Essential Oils Safely


The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy recommended these dilutions for adults using essential oils:


  • 2.5% dilution or 15 drops of essential oil for a unit of carrier oil
  • 3% dilution or 20 drops of essential oil for a unit of carrier oil
  • 5 % dilution or 30 drops of essential oil for a unit of carrier oil
  • 10% dilution or 60 drops of essential oil for a unit of carrier oil


Start with a minimum dilution once or twice daily to check for irritation or allergies.

You can keep trying until you get the perfect mixture for your skin.


Essential oils are highly concentrated.

So must always remember to dilute it with a carrier before applying it to your body.


Here are carriers to include jojoba oil, coconut oil, almond seed, olive oil, emu oil, amongst others.


Anti-cellulite Bathtub Essential oil Blend for Cellulite Removal

  • Mix about 4-6 drops of essential oil with a teaspoon of milk and pour into a bathtub filled with warm water.
  • The water must be warm and not hot.
  • Immerse yourself for about 20-30 minutes and allow the oil penetrate into your skin.


Alternatively, To use essential oils for cellulite removal and stretch marks

Add about two to three drops of essential oil added with a teaspoon of blended almond and rub into affected areas (stretch marks and cellulite build up) twice daily until it is fully absorbed.


Do this prior to having a shower

  • You could also rub in about one to two drops of essential oil onto a body brush, and gently brush the affected areas in a circular movement.


It is recommended to use at night just before bedtime to avoid exposing the skin to the sun as the oils are phototoxic.

Depending on your skin, some essential oils might work better than the others on your body.


Don’t forget:

Be sure to test the oils on a patch on your skin before using on the affected areas.


As I mention earlier

Essential oils are effective cellulite removers, however, you have to be aware that essential oils alone as powerful as it is cannot do the tricks alone.

Here are some of the things to do

  • You will have to watch what you eat henceforth. You can’t say ‘oh I have got a magic wand that I can use to make all the cellulite disappear’ and then go ahead to eat truck-loads of fats and carbs. Sweetheart, it won’t work that way. You got to stay on a healthier diet.
  • Eats foods that will regularly detoxify the toxins in your body and flush it out. This will help the body to properly melt the fats and the accumulated fats.

Essential oils are said to help get to the root of the problem by eliminating the toxins that can accumulate in the fat cells. They boost circulation to get more oxygen to the cells, which helps the body to get rid of the toxins on its own.




While using essential oils for cellulite removal and stretch marks is highly recommended, you should also avoid foods that accumulate fat and excess body weight.

Otherwise, they (cellulite and stretch marks) would come knocking on your door again.


Below are some recommended foods to eat/avoid to ensure your healthy eating and cellulite free skin ;
  • Take lots of fresh fruits.
  • Dairy products should be minimized if not avoided. It congests the body you are already trying to decongest.
  • Cook you vegetable before eating for easier digestion
  • Avoid grains like bread, flour, wheat and eat only dry and rough grains if you must.
  • Eat cooked legumes to help with digestion.
  • Avoid meats like beef and pork which contain a lot of oil.
  • Cut down your meat intake generally to avoid stressing your digestive system.
  • Eat more of fresh fish.
  • Oils should be generally limited. Toxins concentrate in fat, as we’ve gone over, and we should avoid adding too much more fatty oils into our system.
  • Put a limit on the amount of artificial sweeteners used.
  • Raw honey in little quantity is the better option.




10 Best Essential Oils for Cellulite and Stretch Marks Removal


Most importantly, do not forget to exercise.

Exercise is also recommended for reducing cellulite and stretch mark as it will help the body to improve the ability to circulate blood and also burn fats.

It will also help to eliminate toxins from the system.


Keep it simple and remember not to go out under the sun because of the phototoxic nature of the essential oils. The exercises should be targeted at the areas affected( legs, buttocks thighs…) by stretch marks and cellulite.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article and we hope to hear from you on which essential oil worked best for you to reduce cellulite.

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