How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus with Tea Tree Oil (Fast Remedy)

Do you want to know how to get rid toenail fungus with tea tree oil fast? Then you are on the right page. I will take you through step by step how to apply tea tree oil for best toenail treatment at home.

Why Tea Tree? You may ask…

Tea tree oil is made from leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia which has its origin in Australia. Tea tree oil is loaded with a lot of health benefits, it is a powerful antimicrobial oil.

Very effective in treating any kind of skin microbial infections including herpes, head lice, acne and some of the other skin related infections.


How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus with Tea Tree Oil fast remedy


The chemical fights fungus, bacterial and prevent allergic skin reactions by making tea tree oil popular remedy for treating toenail fungus infection.


According to research conducted at the Society for General Microbiology in Edinburgh it was revealed that tea tree essential oil is a powerful alternative to antibiotics and significantly used to fight drug-resistant hospital superbugs, and treat colds skin infections and insect bites.


Many studies have also confirmed that tea tree essential oil  is one of  the best home remedies to kill fungal and bacterial species

Symptoms of Toenail Fungus Infection

  • Flaky nail with yellow spots
  • A distorted nail
  • An odor from the infected nail
  • Brittle nail
  • Loss of the nail

What causes Toenail fungus?

Nail fungal infections are generally caused by a dermatophyte fungus.  This fungal infection can also be caused by Yeasts and molds


How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus with Tea Tree Oil 

Below are how to use tea tree for toenail fungus treatment at home for fast results.

What you will need for Tea Tree oil Toenail Fungus


How Do You Apply Tea Tree Oil Toenail Fungus?


How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus with Tea Tree Oil fast remedy 1


  • Gently cut all the dead nails with a nail clipper. Make sure the affected area is clean and free of any dead nails.
  • Then use a coarse nail filer to file down all the infected area. Be careful at this point not to scratch or cut skin. This reason for this is to make sure all the affected area are exposed and clean before applying tea tree oil.
  • Now wash your toenail or fingernails with warm clean water and antiseptic soap or you can even clean it with antiseptic wipes


The next step is to apply the tea tree to the infected area of your fingernails.

Before you apply it make sure the tea tree oil is diluted with a carrier oil (coconut oil, olive oil or jojoba oil) because if not it can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions if your skin is very sensitive.

Do not use tea tree oil internally because it is poisonous and keep it out of reach of children.

1st Method

  • Mix tea tree oil and olive oil in ratio 1:1 and rub the mixture on the affected nail 2 times day.
  • It may take a full month or less to see a better result.

2nd Method

  • You can also mix tea tree oil with coconut oil in 2 ratios 1 for a better result.
  • Add 2 drops tea and 1 drop of coconut oil to a cotton ball.
  • Then bind the ball with a bandage to your toe before going to bed and leave it on overnight.
  • Do this for at least 4 weeks for tea tree oil toenail fungus better  treatment result

Tea tree oil Teanail fungus Before and After the Treatment


 Tea tree oil Teanail fungus Before and After the Treatment



Home remedies can be effective and safe to treat toenail fungus with minimum side effects.
However, if you do not see any better results within 5 days, consult your doctor.

Leave us a comment and let’s know if these home remedies for toenail work for you.


  1. Linda
    • remediesnews

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