How to Lose Visceral Fat: Apply these 11 Weight Loss Tips to Burn Belly Fat

Do you want to get rid of visceral fat fast and naturally? Look! Everyone has fat visceral fat is found inside the abdominal cavity. Too much of this visceral fat is usually dangerous to the health of the body. It’s usually associated with a higher chance of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and also heart disease.

It is because of these factors that we have decided to give you 11 tips to help you with how to lose visceral fat.

Read on and you’ll discover why this type of fat is harmful and the different strategies to help you on how to lose visceral fat.




How to Lose Visceral Fat - Apply these 11 Weight Loss Tips to Burn Belly Fat at Home




What Is Visceral Fat?

Visceral fat is also commonly called belly fat.

Normally, it’s difficult to judge the quantity of visceral fat in the human body.

However, there are signs such as a larger waist, and also a protruding belly that can help you determine how much visceral fat a body has.

We have another kind of fat in the human body. This type of fat is known as subcutaneous fat.

This fat is usually stored just below the human skin.

You can pinch the subcutaneous fat easily from anywhere on the human body.


There are different studies that have discovered that carrying excess visceral fat in your body can constitute serious problems to your health. Some of those research have discovered that too much visceral fat can increase the chances of type 2 diabetes (1).


Other health experts have concluded that these visceral fats can also lead to heart diseases amongst other illnesses (1).



What Foods Cause Visceral Fat

There are a number of foods that are responsible for belly fat and excess visceral fat.

Below are some of the foods that may be responsible for your visceral fat;

  • Unhealthy fats such as packages foods, full-fat dairy, corn oil, soybean oil, etc.
  • Fried foods
  • Carb-dense foods such as donuts, white bread, muffins, white rice, bagels, white pasta.
  • Processed Meat that is found in hot dogs, cold cuts and also ground meats.
  • Milk and also high lactose dairy foods such as non-Greek yogurt, dairy-based desserts, milk, and also soft cheeses.
  • Onions, Garlic and also their high-fiber cousins such as wheat, barley, black beans, soybeans
  • Excess fructose found in foods such as apples, watermelons, asparagus, honey etc..
  • Alcohols
  • Fat-free foods
  • Breakfast pastries
  • Fructose sweetened beverages.



List of Foods That Burn Visceral Fat-Foods 

There are a number of foods that can help you burn visceral fats.

Below we present you the five best foods to help get rid of visceral fats;

  • Eggs
  • Lean meat or chicken
  • Almonds
  • Tuna
  • Green Tea



11 Best Ways to Lose Visceral Fat  Naturally at Home

Here, we present you with 11 tips to help you get rid of visceral fat.

These tips will assist you in how to lose visceral fat and also get rid of belly fat.

Below are our 11 tips to get rid of lower belly pooch;



1. Abstain From Foods That Contain Trans Fats

Trans fat foods are usually created when you pump hydrogen inside unsaturated fats like soybean oil.

They are usually seen in some margarine.

Also, trans fats are also added to most packaged foods.


How to Lose Visceral Fat: Apply these 11 Weight Loss Tips to Burn Belly Fat


These trans fats have been associated with heart diseases, inflammation, abdominal fat gain, and also insulin resistance.

This is why it is important to always carefully read the labels on ingredients.

Avoid products that are loaded with trans fats.

These trans fats are sometimes written as partially hydrogenated fats.



2. Consume Diets That Are High In Protein

Protein is one of the most important classes of food that can help on how to lose visceral fat.

A high intake of protein can help promote fullness, thereby decreasing appetite.

Additionally, protein increases the rate of metabolism also helps you to maintain your muscle mass as you lose belly fat.


How to Lose Visceral Fat: Apply these 11 Weight Loss Tips to Burn Belly Fat


Make sure you always add in good protein sources such as eggs, fish, whey protein, beans, dairy, and also meat into your every diet.



3. Avoid Excess Alcohol To Help On How To Lose Visceral Fat

Even though alcohol can have few health benefits, it can be very harmful when consumed too much.



How to Lose Visceral Fat: Apply these 11 Weight Loss Tips to Burn Belly Fat


Studies have shown that heavy consumption of alcohol can greatly increase the chances of central obesity (3).


Even though you don’t need to avoid alcohol altogether, but limiting it will help on how to lose visceral fat.



4. Consume More Soluble Fiber 

Soluble fibers are known to absorb water.

This helps to form a gel that slows down food as they pass through the digestive system.

This helps on how to lose visceral fats as they help you feel full.

This makes you eat less food every day.


How to Lose Visceral Fat: Apply these 11 Weight Loss Tips to Burn Belly Fat


Additionally, they also help reduce your daily calorie intake from the foods you consume.



How to Lose Visceral Fat - Apply these 11 Weight Loss Tips to Burn Belly Fat at Home



5. Limit Your Consumption of Sugary Foods

Sugar is known to contain fructose, which is linked to many chronic diseases when you consume them in excess.


How to Lose Visceral Fat: Apply these 11 Weight Loss Tips to Burn Belly Fat


Some of these diseases include type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, obesity, heart disease.



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6. Reduce Your Body’s Stress Level

Stress is possible to make you have belly fat.

It does this by triggering your body’s adrenal glands to produce a hormone known as the cortisol.


The cortisol is a stress hormone that is capable of increasing your appetite and also the abdominal fat storage (4).


Also, women that already have large waist usually produce a lot more cortisol when under stress.

Increased cortisol adds to belly fat.



How to Lose Visceral Fat: Apply these 11 Weight Loss Tips to Burn Belly Fat



This is why it is important to always engage in pleasurable and recreational activities which help to relieve stress.

A good example is meditation and also practicing yoga.



7. Reduce Your Intake Of Refined Carbs

Limiting your intake of carbs can help a lot on how to lose visceral fat.

It is not important that you adhere to a strict low carb diet.


How to Lose Visceral Fat: Apply these 11 Weight Loss Tips to Burn Belly Fat


You can simply replace those refined carbs with some unprocessed starchy carbs.

This can improve your rate of metabolism and also help you to melt visceral fat.



9. Perform Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercises or cardio are one of the best exercises to lose visceral fat.

It is a very effective method to burn calories and also improving your health.


How to Lose Visceral Fat: Apply these 11 Weight Loss Tips to Burn Belly Fat


It is important that you know that the duration and frequency of your cardio workout are of more importance than the intensity.

You should always perform some sorts of aerobic exercises every day.

It can be walking for a long distance, running, swimming, or even cycling.



9. Do Resistance Training

Resistance training is also known as strength training or weight lifting.

Strength training is important for gaining and also preserving muscle mass.


Researchers have since discovered that strength training, when combined with cardio exercise can lead to a great decline in visceral fat (5).


However, once you decide to start weight lifting, it’s important that you seek some advice from certified personal trainers.



10. Make Use Of Coconut Oil When Cooking

Another tip that can help on how to lose visceral fat is to switch some of your cooking fats for coconut oil.

Coconut oils are one of the healthiest fats that are available.

Coconut oil contains medium-chain fats and this helps to boost metabolism and also reduce the amount of fat that your body stores when you consume a high-calorie diet.

You should consume about two tablespoons of the coconut oil every day.

This will help you with how to lose visceral fat.

You should, however, be careful because coconut oil is still loaded with calories.

So instead of adding this extra fat to the diet, simply replace some of the fats you are already using with this coconut oil.



11. Abstain From Sugar-Sweetened Beverages

Beverages that have been sweetened with sugar are packed with liquid fructose. This liquid fructose is known to be associated with excess belly fat.


Research has shown that drinks loaded with sugar can lead to an increase in fat in your liver (6).


Therefore, in order to help you on how to lose visceral fat, it’s best you completely avoid drinks such as sweet tea, soda, punch and also alcoholic mixers that contain sugar.


How to Lose Visceral Fat - Apply these 11 Weight Loss Tips to Burn Belly Fat at Home




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These 11 tips above are not only helpful on how to lose visceral fat, but they also help to get rid of subcutaneous fat.

Always remember to get a decent visceral fat diet and plan your exercise schedule.

This will help you with your visceral fat range.

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